Robert J. Marquis

Professor Emeritus

Curriculum vitae

Department of Biology

University of Missouri-St. Louis and the Whitney R. Harris World Ecology Center

1 University Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63121-4499 USA

Current and former lab members

Jared Chauncey, M.S. candidate
University of Missouri-St. Louis

Native oak conservation, sampling of plant genetic resources for ex situ conservation, conservator of arid and subtropical collections
Conservatories Horticulturalist
Missouri Botanical Garden
4344 Shaw Blvd
St. Louis, MO 63110
José Miguel Chaves-Fallas, PhD

Plant metabolites and herbivore community structure, Zingiberales, plant defense, tropical plant ecology, natural history, tropical forest conservation

Instructor in tropical ecology and conservation, Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) 
Monteverde Campus
Monteverde, Puntarenas
Costa Rica
Eva Colberg, PhD

Fire effects on ant-plant mutualisms, forest management, invasive species, climate change

Research Scientist
Northwest Climate Adaptation Science Center
University of Washington 
Box 355674 
Seattle, WA 98195-5674

Estefania Fernandez Barrancos, PhD

Ecosystem restoration, woody debris decomposition, tropical forests, restoration of soil microbial communities

Lead Forester
Boston, MA USA

Renan Fernandes Moura, PhD

Ant-extrafloral nectary interactions, plant defense, invasive species, vegetation complexity and herbivore attack
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
University of Cincinnati, USA

Laboratorio de Ecologia Comportamental e de Interações, UFULattes (Brazil):

Additional lab members:

Humberto Dutra, Life University (PhD)
June Jeffries, US Army Corps of Engineers (retired) (M.S.)

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